LON History

The humble beginnings of the Ladies of the Night came about when Margaret Crawford, Brenda Woods & Dawn McGinnis decided to meet regularly to play golf. They were all “working ladies” who loved the game and the fellowship that goes along with it. That first year the closing dinner was held at a restaurant in Barrie and attended by the three founding members. It was a memorable evening, and the LON was born! The following year other women were encouraged to join in to play golf in a very social setting with a bit of food and wine to follow! Who could have imagined that the group would grow to over 100 women, sharing the friendship that this wonderful game of golf has brought to each of us. 


The tradition of hosting other members after golf resulted in the sharing of recipes and the subsequent collection of some of their favorites'. In 2007, when Lizzy Cowden as “madam” and a recent cancer survivor, suggest that we develop a cookbook using recipes contributed by the members to raise money to support the Simcoe-Muskoka Cancer Centre at RVH, the support was overwhelming. This was the beginning of what is now our annual charity event.  The committee that year included Lizzy, Jane Shiells, Deirdre (Dee) Lennon, Kasia Niddery, Ruth Taber and C.A.Wortley. Since then, the LON has supported many local charities, including The Alzheimer’s Society, Seasons Centre for Grieving Children, 4th Line Park, Hospice Simcoe, Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka, the Women and Children’s Shelter of Barrie & most recently, Mariposa House Hospice. In total, we have raised almost $200k in the past 15 years.

Eventually they outgrew their homes, and when the Highlands Club House was built, they moved the after-golf gatherings there. When the Highlands course closed in 2016, the LON moved to the Valley Course and has remain active there. A new twist was added in the 2021 season, offering Settler's Ghost and Braestone as other choices for the LON ladies, offering two evenings of golf each week. There have been many changes and challenges but the LON has always maintained a welcoming spirit to women who want to golf in a relaxed atmosphere. And enjoy a little socialization!

Brenda Woods, one of the original founding members receiving her "Silver Scarf" of honour at the 25th Anniversary celebration held at Horseshoe Resort on October 25th, 2022

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